Monday, November 23, 2009

Gossip Master 教你如何分辨我的美丽日记面膜的真假!!

Original VS Fake

最近市场上流入非常多的我的美丽日记面膜的假品,价格都订得非常低...为了让买家安心,Gossip Master Group 特此教大家如何分辨面膜的真假。买家在选购我的美丽日记面膜时,须注意以下事项,以免上当!!

1) 真假面膜的分别在于封边的压口。真货有明显的封边压口。而且压边的地方有点鼓起来的。假货的封口并没有明显的压封条纹。请看图1~

2) 在正品面膜的包装正面有着明显的钢印而假货并没有...请看图2~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

我的心机面膜 | 新产品

最近,我的心机推出了新款面膜哦~花系列 (一共4款)。

价钱 (Price) : RM1.65/pc

樱花嫩白光采面膜 | Sakura Lighting Mask

Lighting Mask with Vitamin C in West Indian cherry penetrates and purifies pores for brisk and white skin. Hyaluronan and other plant extract are available in this mask. The unique effect of Marigold is great in repairing and soothing skin. The gentle and balance sebum secretion gives you a healthy completion.

保加利亚玫瑰嫩白面膜 | Bulgarian Rose Mask

Rose extract deeply moisture skin and improves uneven skin tone. Hyaluronan in this mask helps skin to replenish moisture. A protective layer preventing moisture loss is left on the skin upon. Your skin restores the nornal tension for a delicate and smooth look.

日本山茶花保湿面膜 | Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask

The natural camellia extract increases the moisturizing and soothing function. And, it also repairs skin. Jyaluronan, Sacharide Isomerate moisturizing factor and Jojoba Oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalizes your face for smooth and radiance effect.

普罗旺斯薰衣草舒缓面膜 | Provence Lavender Soothing Mask

Lavender extract balances sebum secretion. The fragrance calms and relaxes your mind. This mask is specially formulated for sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face. With chamomile extract and hyakuronan added, this mask can improve skin elasticity and give you a smooth and radiant skin.

我的心机面膜 | 新包装


左旋C极净焕白面膜 | L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask

Functions 功能:
Concentrated Vitamin C for skin brightening and revitalize dull skin. Reduces dark pigmentation and skin blemishes.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Tan skin

Q10胶原蛋白紧肤面膜 | Q10 Collagen Firming Mask

Functions 功能:
Q10 collagen helps to improve skin elasticity and increase our skin metabolism. Anti-aging and protect skin against environmental pollution.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Aging skin

玻尿酸锁水保湿面膜 | Hyaluronan Hydrating Mask

Functions 功能:
Lock in moisture and keep skin in youthful condition. Smoothen uneven skin and cells regeneration.

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/ dry skin

薄荷胶原蛋白面膜 | Mint Collagen Mask

Functions 功能:
Cooling effect and helps to prevent pimples breakout. Concentrated collagen will minimize pores and result in radiant skin.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Aging skin

深海鱼子精华面膜 | Caviar Extract Mask

Functions 功能:
Fish caviar is rich in anti-oxidants and help to lock in the moisture. Recommended for very dry skin as cells regenerate which result in baby-smooth skin.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Enlarged pores & dehydrated/ dry skin
毛孔粗大 & 缺水干燥

红酒多酚面膜 | Red Wine Polyphenols Mask

Functions 功能:
Improve blood circulation and repair damaged skin. It is highly recommended for tan skin as it can restore the skin to its radiance.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Enlarged pores & tan skin
毛孔粗大 & 肌肤黝黑

台湾埔里酒粕面膜 | Puli Ginjo Sake Kasu Mask

Functions 功能:
Use Sake-Kojic extract for whitening and smooth uneven skin. It is gentle and effective on the skin.

Suitable skin 适用肌肤:
Tan & rough skin, enlarged pores

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Scheming Facial Mask | 我的心机面膜

售价 (Price) : RM1.35/pcs

深层角质清洁面膜 | Bacillus Ferment (已停产!!)

Functions 功能:
Increase skin metabolism to renew skin. Constant usage will lead to healthy and radiant skin

Ingredients 成分:
Bacillus ferment, Licorice extract, Mulberry extract, Collagen and Witch Hazel extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/ dry skin

净化调理毛孔细致面膜 | Iris Extract

Functions 功能:
Unclogged pores and good in oil control. Exfoliate dead skin cells and locked in the moisture. Gentle and yet effective on the oily skin.

Ingredients 成分:
Iris extract, Vitamin A, Seaweed extract, chamomile extract, Osmosoft Sodium Salicylate, Witch Hazel extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Oily & Rough Skin
油性肌肤 & 角质粗厚

Q10胶原蛋白弹力紧肤面膜 | Q10 Collagen

Functions 功能:
Q10 collagen helps to improve our skin elasticity and increase our skin metabolism. Anti-aging and protect our skin against environmental pollution

Ingredients 成分:
Q10, collagen, sodium Hyaluronate, aloe extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Aging Skin

玻尿酸锁水保湿面膜 | Sodium Hyaluronate

Functions 功能:
Lock in moisture and keep skin in youthful condition. Smoothen uneven skin and cells regeneration.

Ingredients 成分:
Sodium Hyaluronate, Alone, Liquorice, Lavender extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/ dry skin

牛奶亮白保湿面膜 | Milk Extract

Functions 功能:
Provide milk nourishment to rough and dry skin. Milk contain Vitamin A, B and E which will moisturize and tone our skin.
牛奶中含丰富的乳脂肪,蛋白质,维生素A, B, E与矿物质,具天然保湿效果,而且容易被肌肤所吸收,能防止肌肤干燥,并可羞不干纹。改善肌肤粗糙,无光泽的问题,重现肌肤弹性,让肌肤滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔细

Ingredients 成分:
Milk and cucumber extract, Vitamin E, Sodium Hyaluronic

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Sensitive Skin

葡萄籽靓白唤肤面膜 | Grape Seed Extract

Functions 功能:
Rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidant. It will benefit those with dehydrate skin and reduce the wrinkles

Ingredients 成分:
Grape seed extract, cucumber extract, Ginkgo Biloba extract, Collagen

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/ dry skin

左旋C极净焕白面膜 | Levorotary-C

Functions 功能:
Concentrated Vitamin C for skin brightening and revitalize dull skin. Reduce dark pigmentation and skin blemishes.

Ingredients 成分:
Lavender, Mulberry, Alone, cucumber extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Tan skin

熊果素亮白无暇面膜 | Arbutin Extract

Functions 功能:
Prevent formation of brown spots and freckles which result in brighter and clearer complexion. And provide moisture to skin.
Arbutin 能有效抑制硌氨酸酶的活性,减缓迈拉宁色素的合成,在搭配多种含丰富维他命C的天然植物萃取,能充分改善肌肤色素沉淀不均及肤色暗沉的现象,并添加高效保湿因子玻尿酸,能预防干燥,粗糙老化现象产生,加强保湿功能

Ingredients 成分:
Arbutin, cucumber & Mulberry extract, Sodium Hyaluronate

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Tan Skin

蚕丝蛋白面膜 | Hydrolyzed Silk Protein

Functions 功能:
Protection against harmful UV ray and aid in healing of skin. Constant application will result in less oily and smooth complexion.

Ingredients 成分:
Hydrolyzed Silk Protein, Aloe & Horsetail extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Tan & Aging Skin
皮肤黝黑 & 丧失弹性

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 | Pearl Extract

Functions 功能:
Pearl powder an collagen can condition dry skin, improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles

Ingredients 成分:
Pearl & Watercress extract, Sodium Hyaluronate

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Aging skin & Tan skin
丧失弹性 & 皮肤黝黑

草本抗痘面膜 | Osmosoft

Functions 功能:
Eliminate pimples and prevent breakout. Great oil control and tea tree extract helps in skin repair.

Ingredients 成分:
Osmosoft, cucumber, aloe, witch hazel & chamomile extract, tea tree oil and Sodium Hyaluronate

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Oily & Rough skin
油性肌肤 & 角质粗厚

绿茶薏仁嫩白净痘面膜 | Green Tea Extract

Functions 功能:
Reduce skin inflammation and skin pigmentation, minimize pores
绿茶含丰富的叶绿素,儿茶素,维他命C, B & E,胡萝卜素,绿茶多酚具有抗氧功效。薏仁具有排除黑色素及暗沉肌肤,促进肌肤新陈代谢正常化,改善肌肤粗糙现象

Ingredients 成分:
Green tea, Aloe, Beadlike Grains & Watercress extract, Collagen

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Oily & Tan Skin
油性肌肤 & 肌肤黝黑

芦荟 + 维他命E修护面膜 | Aloe Extract

Functions 功能:
Gentle for sensitive skin and high in anti-oxidant, unclog pores and lighten skin pigmentation

Ingredients 成分:
Mulberry, aloe, Fagus Sylvatica & cucumber extract, Vitamin E

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Sensitive skin

燕窝胶原蛋白钻石级面膜 | Bird's Nest + Collagen Mask

Functions 功能:
Bird nest is popular for women who wants to maintain their youthfulness. Regular application will promote skin elasticity and provide moisture to the skin

Ingredients 成分:
Edible nest of cliff swallows, cucumber & licorice extract, Collagen

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Enlarged pores & Aging skin
毛孔粗大 & 丧失弹性

金盏花舒缓钻石级面膜 | Marigold Extract Mask

Functions 功能:
Various flowers extract to moisture the skin and the restore the skin radiance

Ingredients 成分:
Marigold, Mulberry & Acerola extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Oily skin & enlarged pores
油性肌肤 & 毛孔粗大

海洋深层水钻石级面膜 | Deep Ocean Water Mask

Functions 功能:
Deep ocean water which is rich in several micro-mineral substances, increases skin metabolism, and hydrates the skin. Quickly restore skin elasticity and leave it glowing

Ingredients 成分:
Deep ocean water, cucumber extract & Sodium Hyaluronate
海洋深层水,小黄瓜萃取液 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/ dry skin & sensitive skin
缺水干燥 & 敏感肌肤

15胜肽氨基酸晶钻面膜 | Argireline + Amino Mask

Functions 功能:
Argireline is an alternative to botox which helps to relax facial tension, and reducing the wrinkles. It also provide gentle skin exfoliation. Whitening effect and restore radiance to the skin

Ingredients 成分:
Water cress, Vitamin E, cucumber extract, Argireline (Acetyl hexapeptide-3)

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Enlarged pores

虾红素海洋之钻面膜 | Astaxanthin Mask

Functions 功能:
Provide cells regeneration and protect skin against the harmful UV ray. Astaxanthin is a strong anti-oxidant ingredient and help our skin to form a protective layer against free radicals

Ingredients 成分:
cucumber extract, Vitamin E, Astaxanthin, Green tea extract, Sodium Hyaluronate

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Aging skin

高丽人参钻石级面膜 | Ginseng Extract Mask

Functions 功能:
Ginseng extract helps to revitalize skin and aids anti-aging. Daily usage could promote good skin tissue

Ingredients 成分:
Sodium Hyaluronate, Ginseng extract, aloe extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Dehydrated/dry skin

竹炭面膜 | Bamboo Charcoal Mask

Functions 功能:
Contain Q10, collagen, sodium hyaluronate which will moisture and repair damaged skin. Provide moisture to the skin and unclogged pores

Ingredients 成分:
Bamboo Charcoal extract, collagen, Canadian Willowherb, cucumber extract

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Enlarged pores & dehydrated/ dry skin
毛孔粗大 & 缺水干燥

Friday, November 6, 2009

Eye Mask | 眼膜

我的美丽日记焕采左旋C护理奈米眼膜 | My Beauty Diary Eye Mask

售价 (Price):
RM5/pcs - 买5送2

Functions 功能:
Reduce circles under eyes, firms the skin around eyes area. Its draining effect helps increase skin metabolism around eye area and also deeply nourishes, calm and soothes the skin.

Ingredients 成分:
L-ascorbic acid, European Horse Chestnut & Hyaluronic Acid
左旋维他命C, 欧洲七叶树 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肤质:
Aging Skin, Pouches, Dark Circles

我的心机水晶左旋C靓白眼膜 | Crystal Whitening Brightening Eye Mask

售价 (Price) : RM1.55/pcs

Functions 功能:

Reduces dullness around the under eye area, whitens, brightens and smoothen wrinkles around the under eye area.

Ingredients 成分:
Ascorbic Acid, Collagen, Hydrolyzed Whole Wheat Protein & Hyaluronic Acid
左旋C, 海藻多糖,胶原蛋白 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Wrinkles & Dark Circles
皱纹 & 黑眼圈

我的心机水晶15胜肽紧致眼膜 | Crystal Wrinkle Treatment Eye Mask

售价 (Price) : RM1.55/pcs

Functions 功能:
Reduces the formation of wrinkles and repairs skin around the under eye. Stimulates the production of collagen to firm your skin around the eye and highly moisturizing to prevent dryness.

Ingredients 成分:
Grape seed extract, Collagen, Hydrolyzed Whole Wheat Protein & Hyaluronic Acid
葡萄种子萃取液,胶原蛋白, 海藻多糖 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

我的心机水晶Q10弹力眼膜 | Crystal Q10 Elastin Eye Mask

售价 (Price) : RM1.55/pcs

Functions 功能:
Smoothen wrinkles and repairs skin around eye area, hydrates and improves skin elasticity

Ingredients 成分:
Collagen, Hydrolyzed Whole Wheat Protein, Q10 & Hyaluronic Acid
海藻多糖,胶原蛋白,Q10 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Aging Skin
眼部衰老 & 缺乏弹性

我的心机水晶玻尿酸保湿眼膜 | Crystal Hydrating Eye Mask
售价 (Price) : RM1.55/pcs

Functions 功能:
Moisture eyes and leaving eyes hydrated all day long. Allow easy absorption of essence and improves skin elasticity in the under eye area.

Ingredients 成分:
Collagen, Hydrolyzed Whole Wheat Protein & Hyaluronic Acid
海藻多糖,胶原蛋白 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
Aging & Dehydrated Skin
眼部衰老 & 缺水干燥

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Beauty Diary Upgraded Facial Mask | 我的美丽日记升级版面膜

售价: RM7/片 or RM39/盒 *一盒六入

白金保湿面膜 | Platinum Nanocolloid Mask

Functions 功能:
Anti-aging effect by preventing dryness and dullness of skin. It absorbs moisture
content in skin, increases moisture retention and prolongs skin hydration.
引进日本白金纳米原料, 发挥抗氧化作用, 减缓肌肤产生干燥, 暗沉等现象。 锁住
肌肤内的水分, 防止流失, 提高肌肤保持度, 让保湿效果更持久.

Ingredients 成份:

Platinum Nano


Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

All skin types & Aging Skin

一般肌肤 & 干燥缺水, 丧失弹性及老化肌肤

山茶花极润保湿面膜 | Camellia Mask

Functions 功能:
Highly effective moisturization and anti-oxidation; ideal for improving moisture retention of skin.

超强保湿抗氧化功效, 提升肌肤保湿度

Ingredients 成份:

Camellia and Camellia seeds extracts.& high quality hyaluronic acid serum.
三茶花和三茶花种子萃取液 & 高品质

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

All skin types & Dehydrated Skin

一般肌肤 & 缺水干燥肌肤

白松露极致美白面膜 | White Truffle Fantastic Whitening Mask

Functions 功能:
Triple whitening compounds, multiple soothing crystal bright.
多重舒缓, 晶透
白 & 三重极致美白.

Ingredients 成份:

Multiple plants extract from rose hips, white mulberry root bark and cactus.
多重舒缓亮白植物精华 - 玫瑰果, 桑白皮和仙人掌萃取

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

All skin types & Dull Skin
一般肌肤 & 暗沉

白茶牡丹清透美白面膜 | White Peony Tea Mask (NEW!!)

Functions 功能:
Soothing, Whitening & crystal brightening
舒缓, 美白 & 透亮

Ingredients 成份:

Multiple fruits extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf extract.
采用来自斯里兰卡的白茶珍品[白牡丹]茶叶萃取以及牡丹花精华,结合高科技美白成分 - 熊果素

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

All skin types & Dull Skin
一般肌肤 & 推荐疲惫暗沉

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Beauty Diary Facial Masks | 我的美丽日记面膜

售价 : 一律RM2.65/片
Price : RM2.65/pcs

We also provide wholesale. For wholesale price, please email us at

芦荟奈米面膜 | Aloe Mask

Functions 功能:
Provides skin with adequate moisture content, improves dry and rough skin texture, repairs revitalizes and nourishes skin. Highly effective in moisture retentio
提供肌肤所需要的水分,改善肌肤干燥与粗糙, 舒保湿修护,活化滋润肌肤,高效保湿

Ingredients 成份:
Aloe, Rose, Amino Acid & Hyaluronic Acid
芦荟, 蔷薇,氨基酸 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Dry and Damaged Skin
一般肌肤,尤其适用干燥, 受损肌肤

苹果多酚奈米面膜 | Apple Polyphenol Mask

Functions 功能:
Removes dead cells of skin, im
proves and prevents enlarged pores, stimulates synthesis of collagen, improves skin's firmness and resilience, AHAs prolong pore-contracting effects. Moisturizing & smoothing skin.
去除老旧角质,改善并预防毛孔粗大,加速胶原蛋白合成,增加紧实弹性, 奈米温和果酸,长效紧致毛孔,保湿悠滑。

Ingredients 成份:
Roselle Acid, Hyaluronic Acid & Gentle Nano
芙蓉花酸 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤: All skin types, especially recommended for skin with Enlarged Pores

黑珍珠奈米面膜 | Black Pearl Mask

Functions 功能:
The natural active ingredients of black pearls works in and whiten and softens skin. Also helps in accelerates metabolism of stratum comeum; gently removes dead epidermis cells. Restores skin's resilience and radiance. 黑珍珠所凝聚的天然活性精髓能使肌肤白皙柔润. 此面膜也可促进角质的新陈代谢力,温和去除表皮老废细胞.

Ingredients 成份:
Black Pearls, Pineapples, Limes & Cucumber
黑珍珠,凤梨,莱姆 & 小黄瓜

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Dull & Aging Skin lacking radiance and elasticity

保加利亚白玫瑰奈米面膜 | Bulgarian White Rose Mask

Functions 功能:
Offers radiance with translucent, glowing look of skin by its softening effect. Moisturizing, smoothing and firming. Also works in whitens, soothes, calms and refreshes skin.
透亮白皙, 水嫩柔肤,安抚舒缓肌肤, 补充肌肤水分, 清净保湿悠滑, 弹性紧实.

Ingredients 成份:

Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol, Licorice, Kiwi, Aloe & Cucumber
保加利亚白玫瑰纯露,甘草, 奇异果,芦荟 & 小黄瓜

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

All skin types, especially recommended for Dull Skin lacking radiance

冰沁活氧奈米面膜 | Cooling Mask

Functions 功能:
Cools, soothes, nourishes, softe
ns, moisturizes skin and lower skin temperature.
清凉醒肤,舒缓保湿, 柔软皮肤,舒解润泽肌肤,降低肌肤温度

Ingredients 成
Witch Hazel, A
mica, Menthol, Peppermint, Calendula, Scotch Broom & Compound extracts of Yeast
金缕梅, 山金车,薄荷脑,薄荷,金盏花,金雀花,酵母复合精华

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types

普罗旺斯薰衣草奈米面膜 | Provence Lavender Mask

Functions 功能:
Rich in Vitamin C, soothes and calms sensitive skin. Also helps to impro
ves and regulates unstable condition of sensitive skin. Stress-releasing, sensitivity-calming & moisturizing 含丰富维他命C, 具天然舒缓, 保湿润泽, 柔敏功效. 也可改善及调整易敏感肌肤不安定状况. Ingredients 成份:
Lavender Essential Oil, Plant extracts of Calendula, Amica & St John's Word
薰衣草精油, 金盏花,山金车及金丝桃等植物萃取精华

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Sensitive Skin

纳豆奈米面膜 | Natto Rejuvenating Mask

Functions 功能:
Highly-effective in moisture retention; offers nourishment and radiance to skin. Postpones aging, restores skin's firmness and resilience, stimulates and activates cells for hydration and offers skin adequate moisture content.
刺激活化细胞, 达到高效锁水保湿功效,水润光泽肌肤, 延缓老化,使肌肤紧致有弹力, 充分补水,提高肌肤含水量.

Ingredients 成份:
Isoflavones, Natto extract, extract of Seaweed from dee
p ocean

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended Dull, Aging & Dehydrated/Dry Skin lacking elasticity and moisture
一般肌肤,尤其适用于暗沉缺乏弹力, 缺水肌肤

珍珠粉奈米面膜 | Pearl Powder Mask

Functions 功能:
Penetrates through
interior layer of skin; creates soft, fair look with radiance. Activates, whiten and nourishes skin.

Ingredients 成份:
Amino Acids, Trace Elements, Vitamin B & Seaweed

氨基酸,微量元素,维他命B & 海藻

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
For Dull and damaged skin

Q10奈米面膜 | Q10 Rejuvenating Mask

Functions 功能:
Works in anti-oxidant; reduces the damage caused by active oxygen to skin; restores a youthful and firm look to face. Stimulates synthesis of collagen, maintains moisturization of skin; offers skin's firmness and resilience. Rejuve
nates skin with soft, nourish, soothe, whiten and firm look. 氧化,降低活性氧对肌肤的伤害,塑造紧致的年轻肌肤. 加速胶原蛋白合成, 持续保湿润泽肌肤,给与肌肤紧实弹性. 柔白,滋润舒缓肌肤.

Ingredients 成份:

Q10, Lecithin & Hyaluronic Acid
Q10, 卵林芝 & 玻尿酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Aging Skin lacking elasticity

红酒多酚奈米面膜 | Red Wine Mask

Functions 功能:
Anti-oxidant; clea
rs up free radicals toning, promotes micro-metabolism, maintain skin's firmness and resilience and astringent agents..

Ingredients 成份:

Polyphenol, Anthocyani
n & Tannins
多酚,花青素 & 鞣酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Sagged and Dull one

精米胜肽奈米面膜 | Intensive Rice-Peptides Mask
Functions 功能:
Offers multiple effect in resilience; revitalizes and repairs skin. Moisturizes skin; improved dry appearance and texture of skin, restores resilience with its firming effect. Softens and tones skin.

Ingredients 成份:

Soy Isoflavones, Arnica, Gentian, Seaweed & Bladderwrack.


Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Aging Skin

清酒酒粕面膜 | Sake Yeast Mask

Functions 功能:
Accelerates metabolism of corneum; creates fair and flawless skin and maintains regenerating and repairing functions of skin.
促进肌肤老旧角质代谢, 使
肌肤白嫩无暇, 维持肌肤角质再生修护能力

Ingredients 成份:

Sake Yeast & Plant collagen
清酒酒粕酵母 & 植物性胶原蛋白

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types

乳奈米面膜 | Yogurt Mask

Functions 功能:
Deeply nourishes and maintains fresh skin condition and moisture content. Soothes, moisturizes deeper stratum of skin and prevents moisture evaporation. Reduces sebum secretion and repairing skin.
深沉滋润,并维持肌肤的清爽水感, 防止水分流失,滋润肌肤的角质层, 抑油修护,舒缓机身陈保湿.

Ingredients 成份:

Yogurt, Witch Hazel & Hyaluronic Acid
优酪乳,金缕梅,玻尿酸 & 醣醛酸

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types, especially recommended for Oily Skin

巧克力多酚面膜 | Chocolate Mask

Functions 功能:
Improves skin firmness, redoubles resilience and glow. Gently removes dead skin cutin cells. Nourishes, protects and rejuvenates.
具出色的滋润,修护及抗老功效。 温和去处老化角质,可改善肌肤紧致度, 赋予肌肤加倍弹性水亮

Ingredients 成份:

Cocoa extract, Coffee-extract firming agent, extract of Lemon, Sweet Orange, Cranberry, Sugar Cane & Sugar-Maple


Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:

For Dull & Rough Skin that lacks resilience

推荐晦暗粗糙, 缺乏弹性肤质使用

日本吉野樱花面膜 | Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask (NEW!!)

Functions 功能:
Brightening, soothing and regenerating.

亮颜, 清晰, 舒缓。

Ingredients 成份:
Plant collagen

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types & Dull Skin

一般肌肤 & 暗沉肌肤

复合莓果面膜 | Mixed Berry Mask (NEW!!)

Functions 功能:
Brightening, and firming.

勻亮, 紧致, 澄净。

Ingredients 成份:
Blueberry, Raspberry, Sugar Cane, Lemon & Green Tea Extract
蓝莓, 柑蔗, 绿茶, 柠檬萃取

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types & Rough Skin

一般肌肤 & 角质粗厚

草莓优格面膜 | Strawberry Yogurt Mask (NEW!!)

Functions 功能:
Brightening, improving fine lines and oil control

净白, 细致, 零油光。

Ingredients 成份:
Yogurt & Plant collagen
优格 & 植物性胶原蛋白

Suitable Skin 适用肌肤:
All skin types